An effective infrastructure to screen, manage, and treat patients within primary care requires evidence-based education for clinical staff as well as patients. Below, we provide resources oriented to health care professionals as well as the general public.

Powerpoint presentations are available in pdf format. If you have difficulty viewing them or require a different format, please contact us.

Provider and staff educational resources

Hepatitis C: From Threat to Cure

These presentations, intended to be given in tandem to physicians and staff, offer information about the epidemiology, clinical course, and management of Hepatitis C (HCV) and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). The provider-oriented slide deck describes the epidemiology of HCV, prevalence and clinical course as well as specific components of HCV screening, evaluation, and treatment. The staff-oriented slide deck overviews much of this information, with emphasis on supporting screening and management efforts. The one-page fact-sheet highlight key points.

Hepatitis C: For Providers >>

HCV Treatment Basics

This presentation describes evaluation and treatment with well tolerated, effective direct-acting antiviral drugs for chronic HCV. Key aspects include dose and duration of treatment;  specific target for non-pangenotypic drugs; side effects efficacy from trials, and monitoring protocols.

Hepatitis C Treatment >>

STOP Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

This presentation describes trends in the incidence and prevalence of HCC, the fastest growing cancer in the state of Texas. It also offers information about the epidemiology, primary role of HCV infection, prevention and treatment strategies.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presentation >>

Addressing alcohol use in patients with HCV

This four-part course module offers an overview of alcohol’s significant impact on HCV disease progression as well as an orientation to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) as a strategy for addressing alcohol use in patients with HCV. Below, we provide links to the slide decks as well as a video playlist of recorded webinars.

HCV, Alcohol and SBIRT: Slide decks >>

Patient and community educational resources

Educational posters for display

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers an array of educational posters available for free to be placed across the practice or clinic to support opt-out HCV screening.

CDC educational posters >>

English and Spanish patient education mobile app

The STOP HCC Mobile App helps users understand HCV and its risks, how to reduce transmission to others, why to reduce alcohol consumption, and options for treatment if they are diagnosed. It promotes patient engagement in care and aims to reduce stigma through knowledge. To access the STOP HCC-HCV mobile app, contact us. Pdfs of the slides are provided below in English and Spanish.

English HCV mobile app >>

English/Spanish HCV educational flyers

Education is the first step to engagement. To help empower patients and community members in their own health care, we maintain a collection of one-page flyers on our “For Everyone” page about key issues in HCV care. Several of these are developed by our program and are available in Spanish.

View flyers >>

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